Elenco degli articoli con argomento «melanoma»


04 nov 2019

Napoli, l'istituto Pascale primo in Italia per la cura del melanoma e i vaccini antitumori navigation-next-alternate

Primo in Italia su 4000 specialisti, secondo in Europa su 25mila, quarto nel mondo su 65mila esperti: secondo l'Expertscape per la cura del melanoma «nessuno è più bravo di Paolo Ascierto, oncologo del Pascale di Napoli».

29 ott 2019

Vitiligine: malattia autoimmune con pesanti ripercussioni psicologiche navigation-next-alternate

Colpisce uomini, donne e bambini. E’ dovuta alla scomparsa localizzata dei melanociti, cellule responsabili della pigmentazione della pelle

29 ott 2019

Acral lentiginous melanoma

Acral lentiginous melanoma: differences in survival compared to other subtypes.

22 ott 2019

Un nuovo cerotto per la lotta al melanoma navigation-next-alternate

Ai pazienti sembrerà semplicemente di mettere un cerotto.

15 ott 2019

Value of Dermoscopy in a Population-Based Screening Sample by Dermatologists

The use of dermoscopy improves the diagnosis of skin cancer significantly in trained dermatologists

15 ott 2019

A meta-analysis on the influence of partial biopsy of primary melanoma on disease recurrence and patient survival

Complete surgical excision is the preferred biopsy type for suspicious melanocytic lesions

02 ott 2019

Factors associated with time to surgery in melanoma: An analysis of the National Cancer Database

Timely treatment for melanoma may affect survival, and characterizing the predictors of delay may inform intervention strategies.

11 set 2019

Nei e melanomi, asportazioni dimezzate con la microscopia confocale navigation-next-alternate

Un risparmio economico di 200mila euro all’anno per ogni milione di abitanti e la riduzione di oltre il 50% delle asportazioni.

30 lug 2019

Do airline pilots and cabin crew have raised risks of melanoma and other skin cancers?

Systematic review and meta‐analysis

03 giu 2019

Melanoma, picco di casi fra i 40 e i 60 anni: attenzione all’estate navigation-next-alternate

Il tumore della pelle e i suoi possibili segnali per prenderlo in tempo

29 mag 2019

The integration of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy improves the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. navigation-next-alternate

The clinical diagnosis of lentigo maligna (LM)/lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) often represents a challenge due to its overlapping features with benign lesions.

29 apr 2019

Hair disorders in cancer survivors navigation-next-alternate

With increasing survival rates across all cancers, survivors represent a growing population that is frequently affected by persistent or permanent hair growth disorders as a result of systemic therapies, radiotherapy, surgical procedures, and therapeutic transplants.

17 apr 2019

Reflectance Confocal Microscopy made easy: the four must-know key features for the diagnosis of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. navigation-next-alternate

Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM)-based skin cancer diagnosis requires proficiency.

17 apr 2019

MC1R variants in childhood and adolescent melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis of a multicentre cohort. navigation-next-alternate

Germline variants in the melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) might increase the risk of childhood and adolescent melanoma, but a clear conclusion is challenging because of the low number of studies and cases. We assessed the association of MC1R variants with childhood and adolescent melanoma in a large study comparing the prevalence of MC1R variants in child or adolescent patients with melanoma to that in adult patients with melanoma and in healthy adult controls.

09 apr 2019

Melanoma, la dieta può avere un impatto sulla risposta all'immunoterapia navigation-next-alternate

I pazienti con melanoma che consumano una dieta ricca di fibre potrebbero avere una migliore risposta all’immunoterapia, secondo quanto afferma una ricerca sulla correlazione tra le caratteristiche del microbioma intestinale e le risposte immunoterapiche nei pazienti con cancro, presentata al Meeting Annuale AACR 2019 da Christine Spencer, ricercatrice al Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, e svolta in collaborazione con i colleghi dell'Università del Texas MD Anderson Cancer Cancer Center.

09 apr 2019

Early Melanoma Nodal Positivity and Biopsy Rates Before and After Implementation of the 7th Edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual navigation-next-alternate

There has been a continued increase in the incidence of newly diagnosed melanomas, most of which are T1 melanomas.

28 mar 2019

Diffuse Melanosis and Melanuria navigation-next-alternate

A 47-year-old woman presented to the dermatology clinic with diffuse, progressive discoloration of the skin, nails, and oral mucosa

28 mar 2019

Sunbeds and carcinogenesis: the need for new regulations and restrictions in Europe from the Euromelanoma perspective navigation-next-alternate

The present paper aims to update the knowledge on the detrimental health effects of artificial tanning in order to improve the general awareness of risks and to emphasize the need for a new, more stringent European Union (EU) regulation.

21 mar 2019

Prevalence and determinants of sunbed use in thirty European countries: data from the Euromelanoma skin cancer prevention campaign. navigation-next-alternate

Although considered as a first-group carcinogen, indoor tanning is a common practice in Europe. Euromelanoma is a pan-European skin cancer prevention campaign.

21 mar 2019

Modelling first-year cost-of-illness of melanoma attributable to sunbed use in Europe. navigation-next-alternate

Melanoma is a life-threatening disease of the skin with an increasing incidence of approximately 87 000 new cases treated per year in the European Union