Elenco degli articoli con argomento «psoriasi»


19 apr 2020

Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Treated With Apremilast in the Real World

Results From the APPRECIATE Study

14 apr 2020

The efficacy of UVA1 phototherapy in psoriasis

Clinical and histological aspects

06 apr 2020

Comparison of Biologics and Oral Treatments for Plaque Psoriasis

A Meta-analysis

24 mar 2020

Long‐term efficacy and safety of tildrakizumab for moderate‐to‐severe psoriasis

pooled analyses of two randomized phase III clinical trials (reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2) through 148 weeks

17 mar 2020

Is psoriasis associated with dementia or cognitive impairment? A Critically Appraised Topic

Is psoriasis associated with dementia or cognitive impairment?.

25 feb 2020

Infezione da Coronavirus: Vademecum per i Pazienti affetti da Psoriasi Cutanea e/o Artropatia Psoriasica navigation-next-alternate

Vademecum per i Pazienti affetti da Malattie Della Pelle

25 feb 2020

Prevalence, incidence, and risk of cancer in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The association between psoriasis and risk of cancer remains debatable.

25 feb 2020

The effect of statins on psoriasis severity: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Statins may reduce the severity of psoriasis, but the available evidence is unclear.

17 feb 2020

Systematic review on rapidity of onset of action for interleukin-17 and interleukin-23 inhibitors for psoriasis.

Several novel biologics are available or in development for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.

11 feb 2020

La cute nella psoriasi navigation-next-alternate

La psoriasi è una condizione infiammatoria cronica della cute, indotta da ...

21 gen 2020

Psoriasi: i pazienti non si curano per regionalizzazione esasperata navigation-next-alternate

La medicina del territorio manterrebbe invariate le condizioni per valutare l’appropriatezza diagnostico-assistenziale, la verifica della compliance del paziente, il monitoraggio del rischio/beneficio e di sorveglianza epidemiologica

21 gen 2020

High Levels of Platelet-Lymphocyte Complexes in Patients with Psoriasis Are Associated with a Better Response to Anti–TNF-α Therapy

Psoriasis is currently considered to be an immune-mediated disease whose patho-mechanisms involve platelet activation, which seems to correlate with the activity of the disease.

21 gen 2020

Long-term use of fumaric acid esters for the treatment of psoriasis in daily practice

Fumaric acid ester (FAE) is the most commonly prescribed first-line systemic therapy for the treatment of psoriasis in Germany.

15 gen 2020

Persistence of inflammatory phenotype in residual psoriatic plaques in patients on effective biologic therapy

Residual Psoriatic Plaques After Treatment

15 gen 2020

A systematic review of treatment strategies for erythrodermic psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis (EP) is a severe, rare form of psoriasis that can be life threatening. Treatment of EP is usually based on anecdotal evidence or past clinical experience, which is in part due to the rarity and often emergent nature of this psoriasis subtype.

07 gen 2020

Comparing psoriasis advertisement methods with patient willingness to initiate treatment

Many patients with psoriasis struggle with taking biologic agents. The way in which providers present medications could enhance treatment adherence.

07 gen 2020

Development and preliminary validation of the Adolescent Psoriasis Quality of Life instrument (APso‐QOL)

a disease‐specific measure of quality of life in adolescents with psoriasis

09 dic 2019

Psoriasi: conosciuta ma decisamente sottotrattata. E i pazienti vivono in preda all’ansia navigation-next-alternate

Sono i risultati scaturiti da due studi presentati a Madrid dove in questi giorni è in corso il 28° congresso dell’EADV.

09 dic 2019

Prurito: che cosa lo può provocare, come si controlla e quando è spia di problemi seri navigation-next-alternate

Se si escludono le punture di insetti, nella maggior parte dei casi la ragione di quell’impulso è da ricercare in una patologia dermatologica. Ma anche in alcune abitudini scorrette e malattie sistemiche

09 dic 2019

Predictors of hospital readmission in US adults with psoriasis

Readmission in Psoriasis