Elenco degli articoli con argomento «psoriasi»


23 mar 2021

Are biologics combined with methotrexate better

To investigate if the combination of biologics with methotrexate (MTX)

15 feb 2021

Skin Barrier Function in Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis

Multiple diagnostic tools are used to evaluate psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (AD) severity, but most of them are based on subjective components.

09 feb 2021

Therapeutics targeting the IL-23 and IL-17 pathway in psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by sharply demarcated erythematous and scaly skin lesions accompanied by systemic manifestations.

13 gen 2021

Celastrol: un approccio dermocosmetico alla psoriasi da scoprire navigation-next-alternate

Il Celastrol, ed il ruolo dell’emolliente nella psoriasi

15 dic 2020

La scienza dermocosmetica scopre una nuova molecola per la psoriasi navigation-next-alternate

Studi recenti hanno evidenziato che il Celastrol agisce sui mediatori dell’infiammazione tipica della psoriasi

14 dic 2020

Immune checkpoint-mediated psoriasis

A multicentric European study of 115 patients from European Network for Cutaneous ADverse Event to Oncologic drugs (ENCADO) group

24 nov 2020

Characteristic of Chronic Plaque Psoriasis Patients Treated with Biologics in Italy during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Risk Analysis from the PSO-BIO-COVID Observational Study

03 nov 2020

Special aspects of biologics treatment in psoriasis: management in pregnancy, lactation, surgery, renal impairment, hepatitis and tuberculosis

Biologics are modern immunomodulatory drugs, whose use in the treatment of psoriasis has led to remarkable results in psoriatic patients. The administration of these agents in special population groups, such as patients with chronic infections and renal impairment, as well as perioperative, pregnant or lactating patients, has not been thoroughly addressed, mostly because these patients are excluded from clinical studies.

20 ott 2020

Immunogenicity of biologic therapies in psoriasis Myths, facts and a suggested approach

With biologic drugs dominating the therapeutic space for severe immune‐mediated inflammatory disease, it is critical for clinicians to be familiar with the concept of drug immunogenicity, with the potential for our patients to develop anti‐drug antibodies (ADA) of clinical relevance.

15 ott 2020

L’infiammazione “nascosta” della psoriasi navigation-next-alternate

Nelle fasi pre e post lesionali non si vede, ma si può comunque contrastare?

15 ott 2020

L’infiammazione Subclinica Nella Psoriasi navigation-next-alternate

L’infiammazione subclinica della cute psoriasica pre- e post-lesionali: un nuovo ambito di intervento

11 ott 2020

No increased risk of melanoma among patients with psoriasis treated with methotrexate

Patients with an impaired immune system have higher risk for melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, and a worse prognosis.

11 ott 2020

New jak inhibitors for the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease that can be associated with various pathological conditions among which arthritis is a frequent comorbidity.

14 set 2020

Association Between Early Severe Cardiovascular Events and the Initiation of Treatment With the Anti–Interleukin 12/23p40 Antibody Ustekinumab

Is the risk of severe cardiovascular events increased after the initiation of treatment with the anti–interleukin 12/23p40 (IL-12/23p40) monoclonal antibody ustekinumab?

06 ago 2020

Eliminare il glutine dalla dieta mi fa guarire dalla psoriasi? navigation-next-alternate

E’ vero che…..Eliminare il glutine dalla dieta mi fa guarire dalla psoriasi?

29 giu 2020

Where you live matters: Regional differences in health care resource use for psoriasis in the United States

It is unknown which U.S. Census region offers the best access to health care resources.

22 giu 2020

Treatment persistence in paediatric and adolescent psoriasis patients followed into young adulthood

from topical to systemic treatment – a prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study of 448 patients

15 giu 2020

Treatment of erythrodermic psoriasis with biologics

A systematic review

10 giu 2020


Decenni dopo la sua introduzione, il Metotrexato (MTX) rimane ancora un farmaco fondamentale nell’armamentario terapeutico della psoriasi, dell’artrite psoriasica e, in generale, delle malattie infiammatorie croniche immuno-mediate cutanee.

24 mag 2020

Melanoma Risk in Patients Treated With Biologic Therapy for Common Inflammatory Diseases

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis