Elenco degli articoli con argomento «dermatologia»


15 mag 2024

Gli strumenti digitali in dermatologia navigation-next-alternate

Intelligenza artificiale, mobile apps e telemedicina

22 apr 2024

Novità in casa SIDeMaST! Nasce SIDEMAStMEDIA! navigation-next-alternate

Iniziativa promossa da SIDeMaST e a cura dei membri Senior e Junior della Supporting Committee

22 gen 2024

Evolving utility of apremilast

Apremilast, a small molecule that acts by inhibition of the phosphodiesterase-4 enzyme

22 gen 2024

Surgical excision versus topical 5%

Randomized controlled trials comparing the effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil cream

17 lug 2023

Physical urticaria

Physical urticaria is a type of urticaria in which recurrent wheals and/or angioedema occur following exposure of the skin to a physical stimulus

21 giu 2023

La protezione dal sole è su misura, filtri, vitamine e minerali navigation-next-alternate

Dermatologi, 'proteggono da melanomi e altri tumori della pelle'

17 apr 2023

Dermatologia una campagna di sensibilizzazione navigation-next-alternate

Sabato 26 settembre gli adulti che soffrono di dermatite atopica potranno usufruire di consulti dermatologici su prenotazione a Roma

03 ott 2022

FDA approves Ruxolitinib

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized Ruxolitinib (Opzelura)

27 lug 2022

The clinically-focused open access journal of the EADV navigation-next-alternate

The JEADV Clinical Practice (JEACP) is an exciting new platform for education and exchange in Dermatology and Venereology

27 lug 2022

Monkeypox emerges on a global scale

The current monkeypox outbreak reawakens the concern that poxviridae have high potential of zoonotic spillover and for causing pandemic

11 apr 2022

Preliminary Definition of Cutaneous Flare in Dermatomyositis

Preliminary Definition of Cutaneous Flare in Dermatomyositis: A Retrospective Review

22 mar 2022

Concorso nazionale per la cultura dermatologica navigation-next-alternate


22 mar 2022

2° Premio LOGOFARMA per i Migliori Casi Clinici navigation-next-alternate

Anestesia Topica in Dermatologia clinica e Medicina Estetica

21 feb 2022

Thalidomide in dermatology

Thalidomide is an effective agent to treat over 25 seemingly unrelated dermatological conditions that have an inflammatory or autoimmune basis.

03 mag 2021

Guidelines of care for the management

Actinic keratoses (AK) are rough scaly patches that arise on chronically ultraviolet-exposed skin and can progress to keratinocyte carcinoma.

02 dic 2020

Clinical and Dermoscopic Features of Vulvar Melanosis Over the Last 20 Years

In this cohort study of 129 patients with vulvar melanosis and 5 to 20 years of follow-up, 67% of vulvar melanotic lesions appeared in premenopausal patients, and 65% of all patients had received some type of hormone therapy;

24 nov 2020

Characteristic of Chronic Plaque Psoriasis Patients Treated with Biologics in Italy during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Risk Analysis from the PSO-BIO-COVID Observational Study

17 nov 2020

Cutaneous Melanoma Arising in Congenital Melanocytic Nevus

A Retrospective Observational Study

11 nov 2020

Piazza d'onore per il francobollo del 24° Congresso Mondiale di Dermatologia - Milano 2019 navigation-next-alternate

La Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane premia il francobollo commemorativo del Congresso Mondiale tra i più belli del 2019

29 ott 2020

Cutaneous adverse reactions to anti–PD-1 treatment. A systematic review

A systematic review