Elenco degli articoli con argomento «melanoma»


26 apr 2005

Il Melanoma Cutaneo. Dalla ricerca scientifica alla pratica clinica

Il moderno approccio polispecialistico come risposta alle esigenze diagnostiche, terapeutiche e di ricerca riguardo tale neoplasia cutanea

27 dic 2004

I pazienti italiani che identificano da soli il proprio melanoma aspettano troppo tempo prima di effettuare la visita di conferma diagnostica

We investigated the frequency of melanoma self-detection in a Mediterranean population at intermediate melanoma risk. A multicentric survey identified 816 consecutive cases of cutaneous melanoma in the period January to December 2001 in 11 Italian clinical centres belonging to the Italian Multidisciplinary Group on Melanoma

27 dic 2004

Rivisitazione dei criteri ABCD nella diagnosi precoce del melanoma

The ABCD criteria for the gross inspection of pigmented skin lesions and early diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma should be expanded to ABCDE (to include evolving). No change to the existing diameter criterion is required at this time

29 giu 2004

Le caratteristiche cliniche e dermoscopiche del melanoma amelanotico

Amelanotic malignant melanoma is a subtype of cutaneous melanoma with little or no pigment on visual inspection. It may mimic benign and malignant variants of both melanocytic and nonmelanocytic lesions. The study aims to evaluate whether dermoscopy is also a useful technique for the diagnosis of amelanotic/hypomelanotic melanoma (AHM)

03 giu 2004

Follow up clinico dei pazienti con melanoma stadio I/II sottoposti a linfonodo sentinella

The aim was to analyse the parameters associated with a higher risk of occult nodal metastases, to evaluate the clinical outcome of melanoma patients who underwent SLN procedure, and to identify by means of multivariate analysis the prognostic parameters with independent predictive value on disease-free survival (DFS) in node-positive and negative patients

26 apr 2004

La dermoscopia riduce il numero di nevi melanocitari escissi per verifica diagnostica

The addition of dermoscopy to conventional naked-eye examination is associated with a significant reduction of number of pigmented skin lesions excised for diagnostic verification. The possibility of digital follow-up of equivocal lesions is associated with a not negligible occurrence of initial melanomas left unexcised until the second consultation