
23 ott 2018

Elezione dei Coordinatori dei Gruppi di Studio 2018

Come da statuto e regolamento i coordinatori dei gruppi di studio sono stati votati dagli afferenti dei singoli gruppi e approvati dal Consiglio Direttivo SIDeMaST

23 ott 2018

An Open-Label Pilot Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Tofacitinib in Moderate to Severe Patch-Type Alopecia Areata, Totalis, and Universalis

Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disease with a lifetime risk of ?2%.

23 ott 2018

Patient-reported health outcomes in patients with non-melanoma skin cancer and actinic keratosis

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and actinic keratosis (AK) are very common among fair-skinned individuals. A disease continuum from AK to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has been frequently postulated.

23 ott 2018

European academy of dermatology and venereology European prurigo project

The term prurigo has been used for many decades in dermatology without clear definition, and currently used terminology of prurigo is inconsistent and confusing. Especially, itch?related prurigo remains unexplored regarding the epidemiology, clinical profile, natural course, underlying causes, available treatments and economic burden, although burdensome and difficult to treat.

21 ott 2018

XI Congresso Nazionale di Immunopatologia Cutanea - Milano 9/10 novembre 2018 navigation-next-alternate

Con la presente La informiamo che nei giorni 9 e 10 novembre p.v. si terrà a Milano presso l’Aula Magna dell’Università degli Studi (Via Festa del Perdono 7) l’XI Congresso di Immunopatologia Cutanea.

21 ott 2018

Polizza RC professionale AON per i Soci SIDeMaST

Convenzione Assicurativa stipulata con AON, per ora relativamente ad RC PROFESSIONALE

16 ott 2018

World Congress of Confocal Microscopy navigation-next-alternate

The World Congress of Confocal Microscopy that will take place at the Angelicum Congress Center from 18 to 20 October 2018 is approaching.

15 ott 2018

Sun Exposure and Melanoma, Certainties and Weaknesses of the Present Knowledge

Sun exposure is the main risk factor for cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM).

15 ott 2018

Urticaria: Epidemiology, diagnosis, and work-up

Urticaria is a common clinical condition presenting with wheals (hives), angioedema, or both.

15 ott 2018

Treatment of chronic urticaria, special populations, and disease outcomes

Second-generation antihistamines are considered first-line agents in the treatment of chronic urticaria because of their safety and efficacy profile.

15 ott 2018

Candidatura Medico Dermatologo per Humanitas Medical Care navigation-next-alternate

Cerchiamo persone appassionate del proprio lavoro, interessate a creare e far crescere una realtà dinamica ed in forte sviluppo, portando Humanitas sempre più vicina ai nostri pazienti, per potergli garantire, in caso di necessità, una continuità di cura grazie ai nostri ospedali.

12 ott 2018

GIDV - Anno 2018 - Volume 153 - Numero 5

Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia

11 ott 2018

Avviso di Mobilità per n.1 Medico Dirigente disciplina Dermatologia e Venerologia

Avviso di Mobilità per n.1 Medico Dirigente disciplina Dermatologia e Venerologia a Brescia

10 ott 2018

Polizze Assicurative: Nuova Convenzione E Sconti Per Soci

SIDeMaST ha stipulato una convenzione assicurativa di RC Professionale e Colpa Grave con una delle migliori compagnie assicurative specializzate nel campo della medicina.

08 ott 2018

Diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus and surrounding subclinical lesions

Diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid (BP) and pemphigus is based on clinical features, histology, immunofluorescence and laboratory data.

08 ott 2018

Oral propranolol in the treatment of proliferating infantile haemangiomas

Infantile haemangiomas (IH) are the most common vascular tumours of infancy. Despite their frequency and potential complications, there are currently no unified U.K. guidelines for the treatment of IH with propranolol.

08 ott 2018

Clinical use of dimethyl fumarate in moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis: a European expert consensus

Fumaric acid esters (FAEs) are a group of small molecules that were first investigated for the treatment of psoriasis in 1959.

04 ott 2018

GIDV - Anno 2018 - Volume 153 - Numero 4

Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia

01 ott 2018

Dupilumab progressively improves systemic and cutaneous abnormalities in atopic dermatitis patients

Dupilumab is an IL-4R? monoclonal antibody inhibiting signaling of IL-4/IL-13, key drivers of Type 2-driven inflammation, as demonstrated by its efficacy in atopic/allergic diseases.

01 ott 2018

Combining common genetic variants and non-genetic risk factors to predict risk of cutaneous melanoma

Melanoma heritability is among the highest for cancer and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) contribute to it.