Elenco degli articoli con argomento «eczema»


25 mar 2024

Il cambiamento climatico «fa male» anche alla pelle: in aumento i casi di eczema le terapie per la dermatite atopica navigation-next-alternate

Surriscaldamento, incendi e urbanizzazione hanno effetti biologici diretti sulla dermatite atopica. Lo indica una revisione scientifica che ha analizzato diversi rischi ambientali. Dal 23 marzo visite gratuite in 40 ospedali italiani

05 mar 2024

Dupilumab treatment improves signs, symptoms, quality of life

Despite high disease burden, systemic treatment options for patients with atopic hand and/or foot dermatitis (H/F AD) are limited

06 dic 2023

Iatrogenic switch from psoriasis to eczema

Iatrogenic switch from psoriasis to eczema: What does it mean and is it predictable?

01 ago 2023

Nipple eczema

The nipple is the focal point of the human breast and serves important physiological

17 lug 2023

The differential effects of upadacitinib treatment on skin

Upadacitinib is an oral Janus kinase (JAK) 1 inhibitor approved in Japan for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis

20 feb 2023

A Review on the Safety of Using JAK Inhibitors in Dermatology

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are disease-modifying agents with efficacy in treating a spectrum of burdensome dermatologic conditions

07 dic 2022

Treatment of chronic hand eczema with dupilumab

Treatment of chronic hand eczema with dupilumab - a retrospective follow-up study

01 ago 2022

Adult atopic eczema and the risk of dementia

Chronic inflammatory conditions have been linked to dementia, but little is known about the role of atopic eczema

06 lug 2022

EuroGuiDerm Guideline for Atopic Eczema

Overview of main recommendations

04 lug 2022

Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography of psoriasis

Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT)

08 giu 2022

Il prurito nei pazienti oncologici navigation-next-alternate

Questo foglio illustrativo ha lo scopo di informarla sul prurito indotto dai farmaci antitumorali.

22 nov 2021

Systematic Review on the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Janus Kinase Inhibitors

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing and remitting disease that can be difficult to treat despite a recently approved biologic therapy targeting IL-4/IL-13 receptor.

05 ott 2021

Feelings of guilt in parents of children with atopic dermatitis

Feelings of guilt may be associated with illness. Patients may feel responsible for their disease

06 ott 2020

What are the best endpoints for Eczema Area and Severity Index and Scoring Atopic Dermatitis in clinical practice?

A prospective observational study

17 dic 2019

Associations of eczema phenotypes with emotional and behavioural problems from birth until school age

The Generation R Study

17 apr 2019

Bimbi con eczema e qualità del sonno navigation-next-alternate

I bambini con eczema, anche di grado lieve, in genere dormono peggio rispetto ai loro coetanei

27 feb 2019

È tutto italiano il primato europeo per i casi di dermatite navigation-next-alternate

Il recente convegno organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Dermatologia ha messo in luce un dato abbastanza preoccupante: nessun paese in Europa raggiunge i numeri italiani se si parla di diagnosi di dermatite.

22 gen 2019

Contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis- Two tales, an interwoven story navigation-next-alternate

Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2018 Nov 09

11 dic 2018

Alopecia: farmaco contro eczema fa ricrescere i capelli navigation-next-alternate

Un farmaco efficace contro l’eczema avrebbe ripristinato la crescita dei capelli in un paziente affetto da alopecia

30 ott 2018

Association between atopic dermatitis, depression and suicidal ideation

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is associated with psychological distress. However, previous studies found conflicting results about whether AD is associated with increased depression or suicidality.