
21 nov 2022

Tinea capitis

Tinea capitis is an important superficial infection and affects children globally

21 nov 2022


Cellulitis, an infection involving the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue

14 nov 2022

EuroGuiDerm Atopic Eczema

Primo aggiornamento delle linee guida sull’Atopic Eczema

14 nov 2022

Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms

Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms (AWP) is a rare dermatological disease

14 nov 2022

A review of nevus-associated melanoma

Cutaneous melanoma may have an adjacent nevus remnant on histological examination in 30% of cases

14 nov 2022

Non-invasive,in vivo, characterization of cutaneous metastases

Cutaneous metastases (CM) diagnosis is clinically challenging, requiring an invasive biopsy for confirmation.

08 nov 2022

The risk of COVID-19 in patients with psoriasis

The risk of COVID-19 in patients with psoriasis: A retrospective cohort study

08 nov 2022

Real-World outcomes following switching from anti-TNF

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors improved clinical outcomes for patients with psoriasis but are limited by their high cost

08 nov 2022

COVID-19 vaccination and alopecia areata

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major concern worldwide and various vaccines have been developed and approved

03 nov 2022

Uffici SIDeMaST navigation-next-alternate

Ulteriore sede a Roma, nel quartiere Prati.

02 nov 2022

Cordoglio per il Dott.Marco Simonacci navigation-next-alternate

Il nostro carissimo collega e amico Marco Simonacci è morto

31 ott 2022

Effectiveness and tolerance of Janus kinase inhibitors

Effectiveness and tolerance of Janus kinase inhibitors for the treatment of recalcitrant atopic dermatitis in a real-life French multicenter adult cohort

31 ott 2022

Solar elastosis and melanoma-specific survival

Solar elastosis and melanoma-specific survival: A systematic review and meta-analysis

31 ott 2022

Association of atopic dermatitis with new-onset migraine

Association of atopic dermatitis with new-onset migraine: A nationwide population-based cohort study

27 ott 2022

Job Vacancy St.Thomas' Hospital UK navigation-next-alternate

It is one of the institutions that compose the King's Health Partners, an academic health science Center.

26 ott 2022

Vaiolo delle scimmie: cosa c'è da sapere navigation-next-alternate

Il dermatologo viene sovente chiamato in causa, nella prima fase diagnostica

26 ott 2022

Psoriasi C'entro anche io navigation-next-alternate

Al via la campagna che invita i pazienti con psoriasi e artrite psoriasica a passare all’azione e ad affrontare il percorso di cura, insieme allo specialista

24 ott 2022

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Clearance

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) treated with nonsurgical therapies can be monitored with noninvasive skin imaging.

24 ott 2022

The impact of merkel cell polyomavirus

There are numerous findings over the past decade have indicated that Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) may have two pathways of pathogenesis

24 ott 2022

The effects of systemic immunomodulatory treatments on COVID-19

Limited data are available on the effects of systemic immunomodulatory treatments on COVID-19 outcomes in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD).