Dermatologia / News

World directory of Psoriasis medical resources for patients

Since 2013, the Psoriasis International Network (PIN) is listing services provided to psoriasis patients in dermatology centres worldwide and building an interactive directory

Segreteria SIDeMaST, 10 Mar 2017 12:01

Argomenti: psoriasi
World directory of Psoriasis medical resources for patients

Since 2013, the Psoriasis International Network (PIN) is listing services provided to psoriasis patients in dermatology centres worldwide and building an interactive directory. With this directory we strive to identify the different psoriasis services made available to patients (dedicated inpatient/outpatient facilities, available treatments, therapeutic education, etc.).

There are several benefits of completing this survey:

  • Make dermatology/psoriasis centres more visible to patients and GPs
  • Provide an easier access to specialist care for psoriasis patients in your country
  • Provide with an overview of psoriasis specific care worldwide

In order to list a centre in our directory it suffices to fill the following survey.

The completion of the survey takes about 5 minutes.

  • keyboard-arrow-right Parole chiave psoriasi

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