Elenco degli articoli con argomento «alopecia areata»
Dermatologia22 lug 2024
Innovazione terapeutica in tricologia: Jak-inibitori e alopecia areata
Alopecia areata è una patologia autoimmune del follicolo pilifero di capelli e peli di tutto il corpo
25 giu 2024
Italian National Registry of Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata (AA) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that affects the hair follicles
24 mag 2024
Comparative efficacy of oral Janus kinase inhibitors and biologics in adult alopecia areata
Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune disorder that affects the hair follicles, resulting in patchy recurrent hair loss
25 mar 2024
Alopecia areata: Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography
Alopecia areata: Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography
25 mar 2024
Long-term efficacy and safety of baricitinib in patients with severe alopecia areata
Efficacy of the Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor baricitinib for severe alopecia areata (AA)
16 gen 2024
Questionario di laboratorio nell'alopecia areata
Questa indagine mira a valutare la pratica dei dermatologi riguardo all'uso di test di laboratorio nell'alopecia areata. I risultati saranno utilizzati per informare la pratica clinica e le linee guida.
19 dic 2023
Effect of baricitinib in patients with alopecia areata
Effect of baricitinib in patients with alopecia areata: Usefulness of trichoscopic evaluation
24 nov 2023
Un aggiornamento per te da EADV 2023
Inibitori di JAK nelle indicazioni dermatologiche
23 nov 2023
When to expect scalp hair regrowth during treatment of severe alopecia areata
Baricitinib is approved for the treatment of adults with severe alopecia areata (AA)
31 ott 2023
Induced hair loss
This article discusses drug-induced hair loss
13 giu 2023
Impact and Management of Loss of Eyebrows
Eyelashes and eyebrows have different functions, ranging from practical purposes such as protecting the eye apparatus from external hazards
20 feb 2023
A Review on the Safety of Using JAK Inhibitors in Dermatology
Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are disease-modifying agents with efficacy in treating a spectrum of burdensome dermatologic conditions
03 feb 2023
Survey Alopecia Areata
Studio per valutare l'approccio diagnostico e terapeutico nei pazienti affetti da Alopecia Areata
23 gen 2023
Systematic review of newer agents for the management of alopecia areata
Management options for moderate-to-severe alopecia areata (AA) are limited owing to a lack of safe and effective treatments suitable for long-term use
21 nov 2022
Treatment of pediatric alopecia areata
Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune, nonscarring hair loss disorder with slightly greater prevalence in children than adults.
08 nov 2022
COVID-19 vaccination and alopecia areata
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major concern worldwide and various vaccines have been developed and approved
08 giu 2022
Alopecia legata ai trattamenti antitumorali
Questo opuscolo ha lo scopo di aiutarla a comprendere meglio l’alopecia e i cambiamenti dei capelli
11 ott 2021
Phase 2a randomized clinical trial of dupilumab
Treatments for alopecia areata (AA) patients with extensive scalp hair loss are limited
26 lug 2021
Treatment of pediatric alopecia areata
Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune, nonscarring hair loss disorder with slightly greater prevalence in children than adults
15 lug 2020
Current and emerging treatments targeting the neuroendocrine system for disorders of the skin and its appendages.
The skin as a neuroendocrine organ and the role of neuroendocrine signaling in the development of disorders affecting the skin and its appendages has received increasing attention in the last years.