Dermatologia / Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Are neutrophilic dermatoses autoinflammatory disorders?

Neutrophilic dermatoses are a spectrum of inflammatory disorders characterized by skin lesions resulting from a neutrophil-rich inflammatory infiltrate in the absence of infection. The exact molecular pathophysiology of neutrophilic dermatoses has long been poorly understood

Segreteria SIDeMaST, 12 Apr 2018 12:23

Are neutrophilic dermatoses autoinflammatory disorders?

Neutrophils constitute essential players in inflammatory responses and are the first line of defence against harmful stimuli. However, dysregulation of neutrophil homeostasis can result in excessive inflammation and subsequent tissue damage. Neutrophilic dermatoses are a spectrum of inflammatory disorders characterized by skin lesions resulting from a neutrophil-rich inflammatory infiltrate in the absence of infection. The exact molecular pathophysiology of neutrophilic dermatoses has long been poorly understood. Interestingly, neutrophil-rich cutaneous inflammation is also a cardinal feature of several autoinflammatory diseases with skin involvement, the latter being caused by aberrant innate immune responses. Overactivation of the innate immune system leading to increased production of interleukin-1 family members and 'sterilè neutrophil-rich cutaneous inflammation are features of both inherited autoinflammatory syndromes with skin involvement and an increasing number of neutrophilic dermatoses. Therefore, we propose that autoinflammation may be a cause of neutrophilic dermatoses.

Satoh TK1, Mellett M1, Contassot E1, French LE1.

Br J Dermatol. 2018 Mar;178(3):603-613. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15105. Epub 2016 Nov 30.

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