
12 apr 2018

Mucocutaneous manifestations of cocaine abuse: a review navigation-next-alternate

It seems important to understand and recognize all the mucocutaneous manifestations of cocaine abuse which have been reported in the literature to clarify and to help dermatologists in their daily practice

10 apr 2018

Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with psoriasis before, during and after narrow-band UVB phototherapy navigation-next-alternate

We investigate serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) in psoriatic patients before and after NB-UVB phototherapy

10 apr 2018

An open-label exploratory study evaluating the efficacy and safety of ingenol mebutate gel 0.05% for the treatment of verruca vulgaris navigation-next-alternate

A recent case study series provided evidence for the efficacy of ingenol mebutate against anogenital warts

10 apr 2018

Diagnostic Criteria of Ulcerative Pyoderma Gangrenosum. A Delphi Consensus of International Experts navigation-next-alternate

A Delphi Consensus of International Experts

10 apr 2018

Convenzione In Più Renting - Aprile 2018

SIDeMaST ha stipulato un accordo con In Più Renting, uno tra i principali marchi operanti come broker di noleggio a lungo termine di auto con soluzioni su misura per i professionisti per mettere a disposizione di tutti gli iscritti, anche per quelli non possessori di Partita IVA, i relativi vantaggi.

09 apr 2018

Le sfide per conoscere meglio la dermatite atopica navigation-next-alternate

Nel giorno del suo primo compleanno, Andea, l'Associazione Nazionale Dermatite Atopica, presenta alcuni dati sulla patologia e i primissimi risultati della neonata pagina Facebook. Entro l'estate l'associazione punta a far partire un Osservatorio multidisciplinare per l'attività di advocacy con le istituzioni

06 apr 2018

Gender differences in genital lichen sclerosus navigation-next-alternate

Studies specifically conducted to assess gender differences in genital lichen sclerosus (GLS) are not available. This multicenter study aimed to identify possible gender-related differences on GLS clinical features, history and course, through collecting data from a large mixed-sex sample of patients

06 apr 2018

Dermoscopic Features of Basal Cell Carcinoma on the Lower Limbs: A Chameleon! navigation-next-alternate

Lower limbs represent an uncommon location for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and only few reports have described dermoscopic features of BCC in this body site. Since BCCs of the lower limbs frequently display nonclassic BCC dermoscopic criteria, they can simulate other benign or malignant lesions

06 apr 2018

Dermoscopy features of atypical fibroxanthoma: A multicenter study of the International Dermoscopy Society navigation-next-alternate

This was a case-control study. Atypical fibroxanthoma lesions were compared with a control group with non-melanoma skin cancer

06 apr 2018

Childhood trauma and resilience in psoriatic patients: A preliminary report navigation-next-alternate

The aim of the study was to investigate childhood trauma and resilience in a psoriatic sample compared with healthy controls. Correlations between childhood trauma, resilience, quality of life, clinical data and psoriatic features were also evaluated

06 apr 2018

Bando PRIN 2017: record di progetti scientifici in gara! navigation-next-alternate

Sono 4.552 i progetti scientifici presentati per un budget totale di 391 milioni di euro suddivisi in tre linee di ricerca

04 apr 2018

GIDV - Anno 2018 - Volume 153 - Numero 2

Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia

02 apr 2018

Risk of Serious Infection in Patients with Psoriasis Receiving Biologic Therapies: A Prospective Cohort Study from the BADBIR navigation-next-alternate

Serious infection is a concern for patients with psoriasis receiving biologic therapies. We assessed the risk of serious infections for biologics used to treat psoriasis by comparison with a cohort receiving non-biologic systemic therapies in a propensity score-weighted Cox proportional hazards model using data from the BADBIR

02 apr 2018

Wide skin markings pattern: melanoma descriptor or patient-related factor? reply from the authors navigation-next-alternate

We read with great interest the letter by Rishpon and Colleagues on our paper titled "Uncovering the diagnostic dermoscopic features of flat melanomas located on the lower limbs"

02 apr 2018

Chronic urticaria and the metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional community-based study of 11 261 patients navigation-next-alternate

Objective: evaluate the association between CU and metabolic syndrome and its components in a large community?based medical database

26 mar 2018

Convenzione PARKINGO

Convenzione applicabile, può offrire una riduzione sui prezzi di parcheggio presso le strutture PARKINGO del 10% sulle tariffe

22 mar 2018

Ema: in 8 tappe il trasferimento, già evidenti i ritardi navigation-next-alternate

Sul portale monitoraggio continuo con tempistica che si aggiorna

22 mar 2018

Anche la sanità ha il suo 'Linkedin' navigation-next-alternate

Una sorta di 'Linkedin' della sanità privata, con un migliaio di curriculum di medici ed esponenti di una ventina di professioni sanitarie, ma anche figure amministrative o 'mistè. E' AiopJob, un progetto che consente ai quasi 600 associati Aiop (Associazione italiana ospedalità privata) di usufruire di una banca dati on line con il curriculum dei professionisti

22 mar 2018

In gravidanza l'olio di pesce riduce il rischio allergie per i bambini navigation-next-alternate

Studio inglese analizza anche i probiotici, diminuiscono gli eczemi

22 mar 2018

Rughe, è tutta una questione d'acqua navigation-next-alternate

Non contano le espressioni o il collagene, pesa la disidratazione