
Vitiligo International Symposium

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Vitiligo International Symposium

pin-location Info

Dal 02 dic 2016 al 03 dic 2016

NH Hotel
Corso Italia, 1


vendor Contatti

Quality Congress

Telefono + 39 06 5881148
Richiesta informazioni

Vitiligo awareness has increased in the past few years involving the interest of a wide scientific community.

The new findings have encouraged the organization of The Vitiligo International Symposium in Rome 2- 3 December 2016.

The idea is to gather worldwide experts to explore clinical and scientific aspects keeping in mind the disease from the patients' point of view.

The Scientific Committee, a distinguished panel of experts specialized in Vitiligo, is assembling an exciting scientific program that will cover aspects from basic science to clinical and therapeutic applications, a few invited lectures will be given, most presentations will be selected among the submitted abstracts.

The magical surroundings of Roma have been chosen for this important event. The eternal city with endless historical sites and infinite attractions will provide the perfect atmosphere for this exciting event.

We look forward to welcoming you to Rome for what promises to be an excellent symposium.

Vitiligo International Symposium

The meeting will cover a variety of new strategies, innovations and clinical applications.

The Symposium will focus on:

  • How to evaluate biomarkers and evolution
  • How to measure and treat the disease
  • How to approach patients.

An outstanding panel of speakers and leaders in the field will be attending. Save the date to share your work in a dynamic world congress.

We look forward to meeting you in the Eternal City.


  • Biochemical, immunological and molecular indexes against clinical data
  • Prognosis biomarkers
  • Outcome research preparing future RCT
  • Management
  • Physicians' and patients' perspectives
  • Educational case reports
  • Clinical and experimental studies
General Informations General Informations for the Vitiligo International Symposium
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