Elenco degli articoli con argomento «metastasi»
Dermatologia02 ott 2024
Molecular and Histopathological Characterization of Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinomas
A subset of patients affected by cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
14 nov 2022
Non-invasive,in vivo, characterization of cutaneous metastases
Cutaneous metastases (CM) diagnosis is clinically challenging, requiring an invasive biopsy for confirmation.
08 giu 2022
Alopecia legata ai trattamenti antitumorali
Questo opuscolo ha lo scopo di aiutarla a comprendere meglio l’alopecia e i cambiamenti dei capelli
22 mag 2019
Metastasis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in organ transplant recipients and the immunocompetent population: is there a difference? a systematic
Organ transplant recipients (OTR) have a higher risk of developing cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) compared to the immunocompetent population. Immunosuppression is often stated as a risk factor for metastasis. However, evidence for this is scarce. Objectives
27 nov 2018
Access to innovative medicines for metastatic melanoma worldwide
Access to innovative medicines for metastatic melanoma worldwide: Melanoma World Society and European Association of Dermato-oncology survey in 34 countries.
08 mar 2016
New Biomarker Identifies Uveal Melanoma Patients at High Risk for Metastasis
Among uveal melanomas categorised as class 1, those with high levels of the biomarker PRAME mRNA were more likely to metastasise than those with low levels of PRAME mRNA, indicating that patients with this biomarker be monitored more closely for metastatic disease
16 ago 2015
New Combination Treatment Effective Against Melanoma Skin Metastases
In findings never before seen in melanoma, a novel combination therapy was found to be highly effective at treating patients with skin metastases
29 dic 2015
Nivolumab for Advanced Melanoma
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved nivolumab (Opdivo) for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma who no longer respond to other drugs
30 nov 2014
Per il tumore che non lasciava scampo ora si spera nella guarigione
Con 12mila nuove diagnosi ogni anno in Italia, il melanoma, la forma più aggressiva di tumore della pelle, è in costante aumento
22 nov 2012
Melanoma. Osservando lo stesso tumore su uomo e topo si scopre come si svilupperà
Se entro 22 mesi dal trapianto di tessuti malati su modello animale con deficit immunitario è possibile riscontrare il tumore nel sangue, allora lo stesso melanoma darà luogo a metastasi anche sull’uomo. La corrispondenza - mai osservata prima – raccontata in uno studio su Science Translational Medicine