Dermatologia / Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Secukinumab shows high efficacy irrespective of HLA‐Cw6 status in patients with moderate to severe plaque‐type psoriasis

Recent studies have shown that biological drugs approved for treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are not effective in all patients, and that variations in the genome have been associated with different clinical responses or side effects.

Segreteria SIDeMaST, 08 May 2019 04:54

Argomenti: psoriasi
Secukinumab shows high efficacy irrespective of HLA‐Cw6 status in patients with moderate to severe plaque‐type psoriasis

Recent studies have shown that biological drugs approved for treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are not effective in all patients, and that variations in the genome have been associated with different clinical responses or side effects. HLA‐Cw6 gene is associated with more severe and early‐onset psoriasis. Recent reports have shown that HLA‐Cw6 status predicts efficacy of some biologic treatments in psoriasis patients. The Phase 3b SUPREME study (NCT02394561) demonstrated the efficacy of secukinumab in patients with moderate‐to‐severe plaque‐type psoriasis, irrespective of HLA‐Cw6 status at week 24.

  • keyboard-arrow-right Fonte British Journal of Dermatology
  • keyboard-arrow-right Titolo originale Secukinumab shows high efficacy irrespective of HLA‐Cw6 status in patients with moderate to severe plaque‐type psoriasis: Results from extension phase of the SUPREME study
  • keyboard-arrow-right Autori M. Papini F. Cusano M. Romanelli M. Burlando G. Stinco G. Girolomoni K. Peris C. Potenza A. Offidani M. Bartezaghi E. Aloisi A. Costanzo T
  • keyboard-arrow-right Link fonte Link articolo originale
  • keyboard-arrow-right Parole chiave psoriasi

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