
Winter Academy of Dermatology

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Winter Academy of Dermatology

pin-location Info

Dal 08 apr 2010 al 11 apr 2010

Rondo Congress Center
Via Maistra
Pontresina, Switzerland


vendor Contatti

Hevento Public Relations

Telefono +39 055 2656122
Fax +39 055 283686
Richiesta informazioni

There will be two parallel sessions.

The first session consists of main lectures focusing on detailed up-to-date information about the most important skin diseases (e.g., psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, melanoma, non melanoma skin cancers, lymphoma, skin ulcers, vitiligo, etc), with special emphasis on the current knowledge on pathogenesis and treatment of such diseases. A particular relevance will be given to psoriasis, from the clues for a correct diagnosis of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to the therapeutic approach, with traditional therapies and the biologics agents. Finally, the latest news concerning clinical entities and pharmacological therapies will be presented by major experts and researchers at European level.

The second session is composed by courses, which have been thought to illustrate and teach one particular topic: dermatoscopy, an imaging technique for the diagnosis of cutaneous pigmented and non-pigmented malignancies; dermatologic surgery and photodynamic therapy; lasers and light technologies; dermatoallergology; acne; rosacea; chronic hand eczema; pediatric dermatology; trichology; aesthetic dermatology.

The courses will include interactive sessions with a wide space dedicated to the discussion and clinical practice.

Programma Preliminare
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