
World Skin Health Day 2017

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World Skin Health Day 2017

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Dal 04 mar 2017 al 06 mar 2017

ILDS Reception
Orlando, Florida

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Telefono Non Disponibile
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The International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD) are delighted to announce the launch of World Skin Health Day 2017. This is an exciting opportunity to boost to the public the image of dermatology. It sends a clear message that we are united in the desire to improve the well-being and skin health of our patients and the communities in which they live.

The World Skin Health Day 2017 launch will take place at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, in March 2017.

  • ILDS Reception 5pm, Saturday 4 March 2017
  • ISD Reception 5.30pm, Monday 6 March 2017

Many dermatological societies already hold action days in which members carry out differing tasks from skin cancer screenings and sun awareness to community clinics in remote areas. The nature of these activities is determined by the needs of the populations served by the society.

World Skin Health Day could be promoted in the context of existing and ongoing activities with co-branding and using the World Skin Health Day logo. Alternatively you could create a new event or activity. The choice of activity for World Skin Health Day is left to your society so that you can tailor activities to the needs of your communities.

We invite you to take part in World Skin Health Day 2017. For more details please contact office@ilds.org with an expression of interest. Please include:

  • the name of your society
  • contact name, telephone and email address
  • if you already have an activity planned please include dates, location and a short description

With best wishes,

Harvey Lui, ILDS President

Evangeline Handog, ISD President

WSHD 2017 World Skin Health Day 2017
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