
13th EADO Congress

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13th EADO Congress

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Dal 03 mag 2017 al 06 mag 2017

Megaron Athens International Conference Centre
Athens, Greece


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Erasmus conferences tours & travel s.a.

Telefono +30 210 74 14 700
Fax +30 210 72 57 532
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Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO), it is my great pleasure and honor to invite you to the 13th EADO Congress, which will take place in Athens, Greece on May 3-6, 2017 at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre.

Athens is a vibrant city, with thousands of years of history and archaeological, cultural and architectural treasures that can be found at every step. Its excellent Mediterranean climate, allows visitors to walk around and enjoy the city, while the coastal suburbs of Athens can be reached in less than 30 minutes from the city center.

The Organizing Committee is already working enthusiastically on the development of a rich scientific program, covering all aspects of melanoma and skin cancers, anywhere from epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention to the results of the latest therapeutic trials in advanced tumors. The format of the meeting will ensure a highly educational experience in the field of Dermato-Oncology complemented by ample networking and practice exchange opportunities.

Your engagement in the Congress, both in terms of submitting your work for presentation as well as in terms of active participation on site will undoubtedly ensure a successful and productive meeting.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Athens!

Alexander J. Stratigos, MD

Professor of Dermatology-Venereology

University of Athens Medical School