
Symposium Augustanum

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Symposium Augustanum

pin-location Info

Dal 25 giu 2010 al 26 giu 2010

Clinica di dermatologia, venereologia e allergologia dell'Università Charité
Luisenstrasse 2-5

vendor Contatti

Telefono +49 30 450618158
Richiesta informazioni

Dear Colleagues,

we are delighted to invite you to the 24th Symposium Augustanum, the annual meeting of the Italian-German Society of Dermatology 2010 situated in Berlin, Germany.

This years' topic is «what is new in inflammatory skin disorders». The Symposium focuses on case reports and free scientific communications and a diversified social program offers opportunity for exchange and intensification of the Italian-German friendship.

We are looking very much forward to your participation!

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. W. Sterry

Prof. Dr. M. Fimiani

Flyer e programma Flyer e programma Symposium Augustanum
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