
EADV Fostering Specialist Course on Proctology and Genital Diseases

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EADV Fostering Specialist Course on Proctology and Genital Diseases

pin-location Info

Dal 08 set 2016 al 10 set 2016

Vigo (Spain)


vendor Contatti

EADV Brussels office

Telefono +32 2 650 00 90
Fax +32 2 650 00 98
Richiesta informazioni

The Proctology and Genital Diseases course will cover and give a highlight of the current status in proctology and genital diseases. All speakers are experts in their field and will go over the following topics:

  • Infectious diseases of the male and female lower genital tract
  • Tumoral pathology of the female genital tract
  • Non infectious diseases of the female lower genital tract
  • HIV and cancer anal
  • Anal intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer
  • Microbiology laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of genital

General information

Course chair: Professor Carmen Rodriguez

Number of places: 20.

Application deadline: 03 August 2016 (first come, first served!).

Course Language: English.

Registratration Fees: EADV member 250 €, Non-member 400 €.

General Informations General Information for EADV Fostering Specialist Course on Proctology and Genital Diseases
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