
20th ESPCR Meeting

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20th ESPCR Meeting

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Dal 12 set 2016 al 15 set 2016

Via Adamello, 16


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MZ Congressi Srl

Telefono +39 02.66802323
Fax +39 02.6686699
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Dear Scientists,

The SEMM Foundation is hosting and organizing next September 12/15, 2016 the 20th ESPCR Meeting.

The 20th European Society for Pigment Cell Research Meeting will put together various competences in the fields of tumour biology, dermatology, physiology, cell biology, genetics and genomics, molecular and structural biology and chemistry to better tackle the new challenges that daily occur in pigmentary disorders.

The goal of the meeting is to foster the collaboration among scientists of the pigment cell research field. Nine sessions will cover the most relevant scientific topics, such as the development and migration of melanocytes, the dysregulation of cell metabolism in melanoma, the role of inflammation in the melanoma microenvironment, the pigmentation disorders, the mechanisms of control and applications of melanins and melanogenesis and the molecular epidemiology.

A special session will host speakers from the International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies all over the world.

An interactive session will be dedicated to a discussion among scientists, clinicians and pathologists on how to develop the best melanoma model to translate basic into clinical research.

A satellite workshop will cover the most recent aspects of the role of vitamin D in skin cancer risk and prognosis.

Two keynote speakers: The Fritz Anders Memorial Lecture, entitled to a very famous and outstanding geneticist in the field of pigment cells. This year the presentation will be done by Prof. Richard Marais

A Keynote Lecture presented by Prof. Andrea Ballabio, one of the most prominent Italian geneticists. He is the winner of the "Louis-Jeantet" prize for medicine in 2016.

It is our pleasure to host this international meeting and we cordially invite researchers, medical oncologists, professors, postdocs or students to share with us stimulating days of scientific discussion.

The meeting will provide Italian CME credits.


  • Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2016
  • Early Registration deadline: July 30, 2016