
WCCS / EADO 2016

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WCCS / EADO 2016

pin-location Info

Dal 31 ago 2016 al 03 set 2016

Vienna (Austria)


vendor Contatti

MCI Deutschland GmbH

Telefono +49 30 20 45 90
Fax +49 30 20 45 950
Richiesta informazioni

Dear Colleagues,

The "World Congress on Cancers of the Skin" and the "Congress of the European Association of DermatoOncology" (EADO) have become major interdisciplinary meetings for clinicians and basic scientists working in the challenging fields of Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer.

Both meetings will be held together as a Joint Meeting covering the entire spectrum of cutaneous malignancies. It is our pleasure to host this unique Joint Meeting of the 16th World Congress on Cancers of the Skin and the 12th EADO conference in the historic Hofburg Conference Center in the heart of Vienna.

We feel privileged and honored that many of the world's leading investigators in the field will actively participate in this meeting. Clinicians and researchers will focus on the state of the art in prevention, recognition, and treatment of cutaneous neoplasms covering Melanoma and Non Melanoma Skin Cancer as well as Lymphomas and Rare Skin Tumors.

As the organizers of this meeting we cordially invite you to share with us days of scientific communication in the beautiful city of Vienna.

Organized by Hubert Pehamberger and Christoph Hoeller

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016

The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit their abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the program. Please note only electronic submission will be accepted. Detailed instructions can be found on the congress website.

Make sure to be part of this major meeting and submit your abstract!

Preliminary Program Preliminary Program and General Information for 16th WCCS and 12th EADO
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