
5th congress of the psoriasis international network

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5th congress of the psoriasis international network

pin-location Info

Dal 07 lug 2016 al 09 lug 2016

Palais des Congrès
24 rue Chauchat
Parigi (France)


vendor Contatti

MCI France

Telefono 33 (0) 1 53 85 82 59
Fax 33 (0) 1 53 85 82 83
Richiesta informazioni

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Psoriasis International Network (PIN) of FRT-Fondation René Touraine, represented by professors Luigi Naldi and Thomas Luger, it is our great pleasure to cordially invite you to participate to PSORIASIS 2016 - 5th Congress of the Psoriasis international Network. SOLAPSO - Latin American Society of Psoriasis is one of the most dynamic regional psoriasis networks within PIN and was handed the responsibility of the scientific coordination of the congress by the assembly of PIN National Representatives.

This congress series is directly aimed to serve the needs of practicing dermatologists involved in psoriasis care across countries in outpatient services, hospital settings, and private practice, focusing on the patient management and therapeutic strategies with a special emphasis on the daily medical practice. Therefore, we have invited keynote speakers throughout the world and from all fields of psoriasis research and care to report on their experiences and deliver insight into the latest results and clinical studies.

For 2016, in close collaboration with SOLAPSO, the 5th Congress of the Psoriasis International Network proposes a dynamic, interdisciplinary and interactive programme, including rheumatology points. A special attention will be given to psoriasis management in different scenarios, psoriatic arthritis and psychodermatology.

Furthermore, topics such as therapeutic targets in psoriasis, psoriasis in paediatrics, phototherapy, topical and systemic treatments and combined therapies, life quality and adherence to treatment, patient education, registries, pharmacoeconomics and psoriasis and internal medicine will also be addressed in workshops which allow you to directly interact with internationally experienced speakers.

Make sure that you don't miss this unique opportunity to update your knowledge on psoriasis, and take also the advantage to enjoy Paris at this wonderful time of the year!


  • Luigi NALDI, Italy, President of PIN Scientific Committee
  • Thomas LUGER, Germany, President of FRT Scientific Board
  • Nelida RAIMONDO, Argentina, President of SOLAPSO