
ESPD Summerschool 2015

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ESPD Summerschool 2015

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Dal 25 giu 2015 al 27 giu 2015

Musée Olympique
Quai d'Ouchy 1
Lausanne (Svizzera)


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Telefono +41 22 33 99 574
Fax +41 22 33 99 631
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Welcome Message

Dear friends and Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the 3rd European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD) Summer School to be held in the beautiful city of Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2015. Our committee is devoted to achieving the highest quality of academic excellence, personal training and social interactions. The scientific program will include only state-of-the-art lectures by experienced lecturers, interactive sessions, poster sessions, and company-supported satellite symposia highlighting some of the latest developments in clinical and experimental Pediatric Dermatology.

A relaxed social program is also organized to favor personal interactions between the participants. These networking opportunities between pediatric dermatologists, pediatricians, dermatologists, scientists and clinicians should help promote international academic exchange and cooperation.

We are delighted to host this summer school in Lausanne, which is not only home of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the leading global business school (IMD), but also of many famous scientific institutions, such as the Swiss Institute of technology (EPFL), the Swiss Cancer Institute (ISREC). Lausanne's surrounding landscape of outstanding universal value with its UNESCO world heritage nominated vineyards, picturesque lakeside villages and scenic alps must not be missed and provides a magnificent setting not only for professional activities but also for leisure events.

We look forward to welcoming you in Lausanne in June 2015 and to sharing with you a top scientific and everyday practice oriented meeting in a culturally and socially interesting environment.

Congress President

Daniel Hohl

Congress Co-Presidents

PD Dr. Stéphanie Christen-Zaech

Dr. Marc Lacour