
2nd Congress of Dermatologists of Montenegro with International Participation

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2nd Congress of Dermatologists of Montenegro with International Participation

pin-location Info

Dal 26 mag 2015 al 29 mag 2015

Hotel Maestral
Pržno (Budva)


vendor Contatti


Telefono +382-33-452258
Fax +382-33-452852
Richiesta informazioni

Dear colleagues,

It is my great honor and pleasure to invite you to take part in 2nd Congress of Dermatologists of Montenegro with International Participation.

Congress will be held in Budva from May 26-29, 2015. Congress venue is the hotel Maestral in Pržno, Budva, Montenegro.

Congress president

Dr Predrag Stilet


  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatologic oncology
  • Utricaria and allergic dermatitides
  • Skin ageing: pathophysiology and treatment
  • Free communications


Registration fee till 01.05.2015 is 150 €

Registration fee after 01.05.2015. is 200 €

Registration fee includes: access to all scientific sessions and exhibition, coffee and lunch breaks, gala dinner, certificate of attendance