
EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force Meeting

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EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force Meeting

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Dal 25 set 2015 al 27 set 2015



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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

on behalf of the EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force, the Scientific and Local Committee, it is a pleasure and honour for us to welcome all of you coming from different parts of the world, to the 2015 EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force Meeting "Clinical trials and translational researches from an European multicentric perspective" which will be held in Turin (Italy) from 25th to 27th September 2015.

In the past years, the developments in biomedical sciences and technologies rose a better understanding of biology and molecular basis of cutaneous lymphomas, thus implying a marked improvement in the management of these patients from the diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic point of view.

The major objectives of this meeting will be, from one side, to foster the design of new protocols for the treatment of cutaneous lymphomas, and the development of translational research projects in keeping with the mission of the EORTC organisation from others, to highlight the importance of a multicentric and multi-specialistic approach for an adequate clinical management of cutaneous lymphoma patients.

Oral and poster presentations will offer the opportunity to participants to discuss their clinical experience and research findings, to provide a stimulating environment for exchanging scientific information and to build collaborative networks. A specific space will be given to presentation of young representative members of the group, who work in different European institutions. We are very grateful to our national Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, to the Academic Societies, funding agencies and sponsors from industry for the support and to all of you, who will participate to the meeting, for sharing your experiences and achievements with us.

In addition to a rewarding Meeting program, we hope that you could enjoy the hospitality, culture and history of Turin, which was the cradle of italian liberty and first capital in 1861 and it is now becoming a major European crossroads for industry, commerce and trade, well known for its Egyptian Museum, the Holy Shroud, the automobile manufacturer FIAT, but also its galleries, castles, theatres, chocolates and red wines.

We welcome you in Turin and we wish you an exciting and fruitful meeting and a pleasant stay in our town under the shadow of Alps.