
3rd European School of Dermato-Oncology: Updates on Cutaneous Oncology

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3rd European School of Dermato-Oncology: Updates on Cutaneous Oncology

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Dal 29 gen 2015 al 31 gen 2015

NH Berlin Friedrichstrasse


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Telefono +49 (0)3342 - 42 68 930
Fax +49 (0)3342 - 42 68 940
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The EADO initiates for the second time a course dedicated to fundamentals in skin cancer targeted to specialists and residents in the final phase of their resident program. They will benefit a comprehensive and updated course to improve their decision-making process for the management of all types and stages of skin cancer, from diagnosis, primary treatment and adjuvant treatment, to the management of loco-regional disease and distant metastatic disease. It is intended to organize this course every year in different countries.

Target audience

This 2,5-day educational course targets doctors who are actively involved in the treatment of skin cancer. Dermatologists or other specialists who have completed specialist training, or residents in the final year of their training program, are likely to gain the most from this course.

The maximum number of delegates is 100. In order to make the course available throughout Europe, places will be made available on a first come first served basis to all applicants.

Educational objectives

The principal aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the decision-making process for the management of all types and stages of skin cancer. This will include diagnosis and primary treatment, management of loco-regional disease and distant metastatic disease, and adjuvant treatment. This is particularly relevant given the rapid progress in our understanding of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, and the development of new treatments. In particular delegates will acquire the following knowledge:

  • Strategies for diagnosis of melanoma, Merkel cell and non-melanoma skin cancer including dermoscopy and confocal laser microscopy.
  • The indications, risks and benefits and strategies for mole screening.
  • Diagnosis of skin cancer: how to break bad news.
  • The indications and methods for genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling of skin cancer patients.
  • The present AJCC staging systems and how to stage melanoma, Merkel cell and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, and other non-melanoma skin cancers.
  • The value of imaging and biomarkers for the detection of metastases and disease staging.
  • Adjuvant treatment of skin cancer: radiotherapy; immunotherapy; chemotherapy.
  • New systemic treatments for stage IV melanoma: targeted agents and immunotherapeutics.
  • New treatment options of advanced basal cell carcinoma.
  • New systemic treatments for advanced Merkel cell and squamous cell carcinoma.
  • The characteristics of mucosal and uveal melanomas and their treatment options.
  • Options for topical treatment of epithelial skin cancers.
  • The current classification of cutaneous lymphoma; staging and treatment options for different subtypes of cutaneous lymphoma.
  • Clinical trials in skin cancer: an update.
  • The indications and strategies for supportive treatments including best supportive care.
Programma preliminare
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