
10th EADO congress

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10th EADO congress

pin-location Info

Dal 07 mag 2014 al 10 mag 2014

Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva
Vilnius, Lithuania

vendor Contatti

Baltic Conference Partners

Telefono + 370 612 11 414
Richiesta informazioni

Dear colleagues and friends,

The European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) congress has become a stimulating and well-established annual event attracting hundreds of participants from the entire world. EADO meeting is the place, where clinicians and researchers can share the most new data and the best review, as well as practical information in the fields of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.

The 10th EADO anniversary congress will be held in May 7th -10th, 2014 in a new attractive and undiscovered destination - Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. We believe that rapidly transformed and fast developing modern European city Vilnius, situated in a geographical center of Europe is an outstanding place to meet experts from the West and East in 2014.

During this meeting, international key opinion leaders will give overview presentations, report on the latest clinical trial results and discuss exciting new drugs with the audience in the plenary lectures and during symposia. You will find the state of the art in prevention, early detection, innovative diagnostic, imaging and treatment techniques of cutaneous malignancies. A deep insight into the future advances in skin cancer therapy will be provided by sponsored symposia by the pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, simultaneous translation will be provided for Russian speaking colleagues during plenary sessions.

Your participation to EADO 2014 in Vilnius will make of this international multidisciplinary meeting a new success and will be a strong evidence of the crucial role of Dermatologists in the field of skin cancers.

Please join us for this event and plan to submit your own study results, case presentations as free communications or posters.

We will be happy to host you in Lithuania - a country with unique traditions and authenticity, the state of a thousand years old history, and the land of unspoiled nature.

We look forward to welcoming you in Vilnius in May 2014! Let's work in New Vilnius! Let's discover Old Vilnius!

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Matilda Bylaitė-Bučinskienė, Prof. Dr. Claus Garbe

Programma preliminare
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