3rd Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology
Dal 21 lug 2013 al 26 lug 2013
Holiday Inn Munich City Centre
Hochstrasse 3
INTERPLAN Fortbildungswoche GmbH
Telefono +49-89-54 82 34 73 | |
Fax +49-89-54 82 34 42 | |
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We are happy to invite you to the 3rd International Summer Academy 2013 in Munich. During the 2nd ISA 2011 we had the opportunity to catch the special atmosphere of the conference in a short film. Watch and enjoy – we are looking forward to welcoming you in Munich 2013:
For the third time, the International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology is scheduled to take place in Munich, Germany. Following the success of the last ISA meeting which attracted over 900 participants from 70 different countries, ISA 2013 promises to provide participants with a unique global perspective of the latest developments in practical dermatology.
Originally based on the concept of the well-established German Meeting – the Munich Educational Week of Practical Dermatology – ISA 2013 now enjoys an international reputation of its own which is underpinned by the excellent faculty from around the world. This year’s comprehensive scientific programme can be viewed in detail on the meeting website.
Programme Highlights
The morning sessions are devoted to keynote lectures and major plenary topics. The fact that the plenary sessions are dedicated to one lecture hall only ensures that participants are able to attend the entire plenary offer.
Keynote Speakers include:
- Cyber Dermatology – Daniel Mark Siegel, Brooklyn/New York, USA
- Aesthetic Dermatology – Jean Carruthers, Vancouver, Canada
- Haemangiomas in Childhood – Ilona Frieden, San Francisco, USA
Plenary Session Topics:
- Hair and Nails
- Common Problems in Practical Dermatology I and II
- Dermatology around the World I and II
- Aesthetics and Lasers
- Immune-mediated Skin Diseases
- Clinical Spectrum of Eczema
- Oncology
- What’s New in Infectious Diseases, Genetics, Dermatosurgery, Disease Entities in Dermatology, Dermatotherapy
Each day, shortly after lunch, a one-hour symposium will review new developments in the field of dermatopharmacology and broaden the knowledge of important dermatological therapeutics.
Important Focus on Practical Dermatology
As indicated in the title of the congress, a special and intense focus is placed on the practical implementation of skills learned and presented during ISA 2013. The afternoons are entirely devoted to meet-the expert sessions, workshops and practical courses. Participants are provided with this unique opportunity to work closely with renowned experts in small groups and to practice skills in both lecture hall but also real-life clinic settings. The range of workshops is vast and is designed to serve both the interests of beginners as well as experienced dermatologists.