
Fundamentals of cutaneous oncology

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Fundamentals of cutaneous oncology

pin-location Info

Dal 17 gen 2013 al 19 gen 2013

NH Hotel Berlin
Friedrich strasse


vendor Contatti

MedConcept GmbH

Telefono +49 (0) 30 64387420
Fax +49 (0) 30 64387435
Richiesta informazioni

EADO European School of Dermato-Oncology

The EADO is a non-profit organization funded in 1999 to promote, coordinate and improve clinical and laboratory research activities in the field of skin cancer including primary and secondary prevention, early detection, clinical diagnosis and clinical and experimental research. EADO has organized many successful meetings and the upcoming ones are visible on the website (www.eado.org). The EADO initiates a course dedicated to fundamentals in skin cancer targeted to specialists and residents in the final phase of their resident program. They will benefit a comprehensive and updated course to improve their decision-making process for the management of all types and stages of skin cancer, from diagnosis, primary treatment and adjuvant treatment, to the management of loco-regional disease and distant metastatic disease. It is intended to organize this course every year in different countries.

Target Audience

This 2,5-day educational course targets doctors who are actively involved in the treatment of skin cancer. Dermatologists or other specialists who have completed specialist training, or residents in the final year of their training program, are likely to gain the most from this course.

The maximum number of delegates is 100. In order to make the course available throughout Europe, places will be made available on a first come first served basis to all applicants.

Programma scientifico
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