
2nd European PostASCO Melanoma meeting 2012

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2nd European PostASCO Melanoma meeting 2012

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Dal 21 giu 2012 al 22 giu 2012

Leonardo Royal Hotel
Munich, Germany


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Telefono +49-30-64387420
Fax +49-30-64387435
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Dear colleagues and friends,

The first PostASCO Melanoma Meeting in June 2011 attracted 480 interdisciplinary participants from all continents and offered a comprehensive overview on all new developments in melanoma therapy. We received a very positive feedback on the quality of the conference from all participants, which opened the opportunity to have a direct communication with the world leading experts in this field. The enthusiastic acceptance of this conference encouraged us to continue this type of educational and interactive congress.

Presently there is an exciting time for the development of new drugs for melanoma treatment. CTLA4-antibodies, selective kinase inhibitors, new vaccination approaches, and other innovative drugs for the intratumoral and systemic use are under development. They have a great potential to gain approval for melanoma in the near future. The leading experts and the community dedicated to melanoma treatment are highly excited about these improvements of therapeutic options and are very interested in discussing the further scenarios of drug developments in melanoma.

However, it will be the main target for all of us to choose the right patients for the right drugs! The aim of the Interdisciplinary Global Conference on Developing New Treatments for Melanoma in Munich is to grant a deep overall insight into the development of new drugs for melanoma. The lively interaction of clinicians, as well as experts in translational and basic research, and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, guarantees a successful outcome for every participant.

International key opinion leaders will be invited to give an overview throughout specified presentations, to present latest clinical trial results, and to discuss on exciting new drugs with the audience. In addition to the scientific value of this meeting, every participant may seize the given opportunity to interact with experts in a familiar setting in one of the most interesting cities of Germany.

Please join us for this melanoma event and submit your own studies and case presentations as free communications and as posters.

We look forward to welcoming you in Munich in June 2012!

Axel Hauschild, Claus Garbe

Programma scientifico
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