
67th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology

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67th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology

pin-location Info

Dal 01 set 2012 al 04 set 2012

Rio de Janeiro


vendor Contatti

Telefono (55-21) 2286-2846
Fax (55-21) 2286-2846
Richiesta informazioni

We are very happy to announce the Brazilian Congress of Dermatology to be held in Rio de Janeiro September 1-4 2012.

This is a very important event for us because it is the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of our Society and thus we are planning an extraordinary meeting.

The congress is being organized in a way that there will be sessions with simultaneous translation at all times.

Also since we will have many foreign speakers many lectures will be in English.

We will be very pleased to have you and your friends joining us in this celebration, so important for us.