Elenco degli articoli con argomento «AAD»


29 set 2022

Registro del vaiolo delle scimmie navigation-next-alternate

Il 23 luglio 2022, il Direttore Generale dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) ha dichiarato l'epidemia di vaiolo delle scimmie

15 mag 2019

Highlights dal Congresso Annuale 2019 dell'American Academy Of Dermatology navigation-next-alternate

La SIDeMaST ha il piacere di offrire a tutti i Suoi membri gli Highlights dal Congresso Annuale 2019 dell'American Academy Of Dermatology, visibili su pc, tablet e smartphone

11 giu 2018

Highlights dal Congresso Annuale 2018 dell'American Academy Of Dermatology navigation-next-alternate

La SIDeMaST ha il piacere di offrire a tutti i Suoi membri gli Highlights dal Congresso Annuale 2018 dell'American Academy Of Dermatology, visibili su pc, tablet e smartphone

30 nov 2017

Psoriasis Severity Linked to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes navigation-next-alternate

People with psoriasis have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those without psoriasis, and the risk increases dramatically based on the severity of the disease, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

02 mag 2017

Alcohol Consumption Increases Rosacea Risk in Women navigation-next-alternate

According to new research published online in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, increased consumption of alcohol, particularly white wine and liquor, is associated with a higher risk of rosacea in women.

28 apr 2017

Highlights From The 2017 AAD Annual Meeting

La SIDeMaST ha il piacere di offrire a tutti i Suoi membri gli HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 2017 AAD ANNUAL MEETING, visibili su pc, tablet e smartphone

18 apr 2017

Psoriasi, i linfociti impazziti che scheggiano la pelle navigation-next-alternate

Una malattia del sistema immunitario che si manifesta con placche e chiazze arrossate. Ma è lo specchio di un disturbo sistemico, scatenato da una cascata di segnali molecolari difettosi. Oggi bersaglio di terapie mirate, ed efficaci

20 mar 2017

Certolizumab Offers Relief From Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis navigation-next-alternate

Patients who received the targeted agent certolizumab for chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis achieved better outcomes than patients assigned to placebo -- even to the point of having nearly clear skin after 16 weeks of treatment, according to results from 2 similar phase 3 trials, reported at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

20 mar 2017

Serlopitant Benefits Patients With Prurigo Nodularis navigation-next-alternate

The investigative agent serlopitant appears to offer some relief from the disfiguring and intensely itchy skin eruptions of prurigo nodularis, according to results of a phase 2 study presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

20 mar 2017

Long-Term Treatment With Dupilumab Plus Topical Corticosteroids Controls Atopic Dermatitis navigation-next-alternate

Long-term follow-up with the investigative biologic agent dupilumab in the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis demonstrated a significant advantage with treatment over placebo, researchers reported at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

14 mar 2017

Dermatite atopica. Un problema anche per l'adulto e con incidenza in aumento navigation-next-alternate

Questa patologia colpisce oggi il 2-5% della popolazione. Nelle sue forme più gravi il costante prurito e le manifestazioni dei sintomi sulla pelle portano a ripercussioni psicologiche forti per i pazienti. Sanofi e Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc hanno presentato un farmaco sperimentale che sembra garantire un risultato migliore rispetto alle terapie più classiche a base di cortisone.

14 mar 2017

Spray Replaces Lost Skin Bacteria, Improves Keratosis Pilaris navigation-next-alternate

A treatment that replaces natural-biome bacteria with ammonia-oxidising bacteria appears to improve the cosmetic appearance and texture of keratosis pilaris, according to results of a small phase 2 study reported at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

14 mar 2017

Patients With Immunosuppressive Diseases/Treatments Experience Greater Complications After Mohs Surgery navigation-next-alternate

The risk of a patient having a complication following Mohs Micrographic Surgery increases if that patient has a history of immunosuppressive diseases or treatments, according to results of a 4-year retrospective, chart review presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

14 mar 2017

Topical Oxymetazoline 1.0% Shows Long-Term Efficacy for Persistent Facial Erythema Associated With Rosacea navigation-next-alternate

Patients were able to tolerate treatment of their rosacea with topical 1% oxymetazoline hydrochloride gel for 1 year with acceptable reduction of redness and few adverse events, according to a study presented here at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

13 mar 2017

Ixekizumab Superior to Ustekinumab for Treating Psoriasis navigation-next-alternate

Patients with psoriasis treated with the targeted agent ixekizumab appear to have better outcomes at 24 weeks than those treated with ustekinumab, according to the 24-week data of the ongoing IXORA-S trial presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

13 mar 2017

Patients Aged Older Than 85 Years Who Have Mohs Surgery Average 6 More Years of Life navigation-next-alternate

Patients aged older than 85 years can safely undergo Mohs micrographic surgery to remove non-melanoma skin cancer and still have years of good quality of life, researchers reported here at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

23 giu 2016

Grande successo degli Highlights dal 74° Congresso Annuale dell'American Academy of Dermatology navigation-next-alternate

Illustriamo brevemente alcuni dati relativi agli Highlights dal 74° Congresso Annuale dell'American Academy of Dermatology, la cui realizzazione ha visto protagonista anche la SIDeMaST

16 apr 2016

Highlights dal 74° Congresso Annuale dell'American Academy of Dermatology navigation-next-alternate

I contenuti salienti del meeting AAD 2016, dalla dermatologia medica agli aspetti cosiddetti cosmetici, sono riportati in questi highlights

28 mar 2015

Blood Test for Patients on Acne Medication Deemed Unnecessary navigation-next-alternate

For young, healthy women taking spironolactone to treat hormonal acne, frequent office visits and blood draws are an unnecessary health care expense

28 mar 2015

High-Dose Brodalumab Superior to Ustekinumab in Helping Patients With Psoriasis Reach PASI 100 navigation-next-alternate

At an elevated dose, brodalumab produced greater clearance of disease in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis than the biologic therapy ustekinumab