Rassegna letteratura


14 mag 2004

Revisione sul carcinoma invasivo del pene

Review of pathogenesis and clinical and histopathologic features of invasive penile carcinomas, with emphasis on current guidelines for their diagnosis and treatment

26 apr 2004

La dermoscopia riduce il numero di nevi melanocitari escissi per verifica diagnostica

The addition of dermoscopy to conventional naked-eye examination is associated with a significant reduction of number of pigmented skin lesions excised for diagnostic verification. The possibility of digital follow-up of equivocal lesions is associated with a not negligible occurrence of initial melanomas left unexcised until the second consultation

26 apr 2004

La terapia fotodinamica per le cheratosi attiniche multiple del volto e del cuoio capelluto

Findings indicate that topical ALA PDT is an effective and safe treatment for multiple actinic keratoses of the face and scalp

15 apr 2004

L'infliximab efficace nella terapia della sarcoidosi

L'infliximab (inibitore del TNF-alfa) risulta efficace nella terapia della sarcoidosi di grado severo non rispondente alle terapie convenzionali

15 apr 2004

Lo stress riduce la risposta alla fototerapia nei pazienti con psoriasi

Psychological distress, in the form of excessive worrying, has a significant and detrimental affect on treatment outcome in patients with psoriasis. Patients with psoriasis who are classified as high-level worriers may benefit from adjunctive psychological intervention before and during treatment

31 mar 2004

Efficacia del Tazarotene 0.1% gel nella micosi fungoide

Topical skin-directed therapies are used to induce remissions in early-stage mycosis fungoides (MF). They are rarely curative, and responding patients are subject to frequent relapses, emphasizing the need for alternative therapies

31 mar 2004

Uno speciale tessuto di seta è utile nella gestione della Dermatite Atopica

In children with atopic dermatitis (AD), eczema is easily aggravated by contact with irritant factors (e.g. aggressive detergents, synthetic and woollen clothes, climatic factors)

10 mar 2004

La talidomide nella terapia della sarcoidosi cutanea

Although systemic corticosteroids are effective against cutaneous sarcoidosis, alternative therapies are needed. We sought to assess the efficacy and tolerance of thalidomide for cutaneous sarcoidosis

09 mar 2004

Una nuova patologia infiammatoria: la dermatite anulare lichenoide dei giovani (ALDY)

We describe a series of young patients with a peculiar annular lichenoid dermatitis, the clinical appearance of which initially suggested diagnoses of morphea, mycosis fungoides, or annular erythema

28 feb 2004

L'interleukina 23 sembra avere un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della psoriasi

L'interleukina 23 sembra avere un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della psoriasi