Blog dermatologico




Bando di concorso per l’attribuzione di 200 accessi gratuiti della durata di un anno alla piattaforma imcas academy riservati a giovani dermatologi italiani...

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Survey Alopecia Areata

Survey Alopecia Areata


Studio per valutare l'approccio diagnostico e terapeutico nei pazienti affetti da Alopecia Areata...

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Combined Use of Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

Combined Use of Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Combined Use of Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy and Ex-vivo Gene Expression Profiling to Detect a Micro-melanoma Less Than 1 mm in Diameter....

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa Burdens on Mental Health

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Burdens on Mental Health

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Skin, mental health and the central nervous system (CNS) are connected by a deep link. It is not only the aesthetic and sometimes...

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Prevalence of and association between atopic dermatitis

Prevalence of and association between atopic dermatitis

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Atopic dermatitis (AD) and food allergy (FA) share similar type 2 inflammation and commonly co-occur...

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Congresso Nazionale 2023 - Invio Abstract

Congresso Nazionale 2023 - Invio Abstract


Data ricezione Abstract posticipata al 14 Febbraio...

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EADV fostering course

EADV fostering course


Clinical Research & Epidemiology...

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Proroga termine invio domande 2° Bando IMCAS

Proroga termine invio domande 2° Bando IMCAS


Prorogato al giorno domenica 12 febbraio 2023: hai meno di 40 anni e vuoi approfondire le tue conoscenze in materia di dermoestetica?...

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Regolamentazione e uso clinico degli apteni per patch test

Regolamentazione e uso clinico degli apteni per patch test

Linee guida

Regolamentazione e uso clinico degli apteni per patch test. Roma: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, 2023....

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La notizia non puo' attendere

La notizia non puo' attendere

Comunicazioni ai soci

La pandemia ha offerto un’ulteriore evidenza di quanto sia importante saper comunicare....

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Comparison of Different Anti-Demodex Strategies

Comparison of Different Anti-Demodex Strategies

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Demodex mites are related to some inflammatory diseases such as rosacea and blepharitis and could be harmful in patients with immunodeficiency or immunosuppression...

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Systematic review of newer agents for the management of alopecia areata

Systematic review of newer agents for the management of alopecia areata

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Management options for moderate-to-severe alopecia areata (AA) are limited owing to a lack of safe and effective treatments suitable for long-term use...

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Indications for Digital Monitoring of Patients With Multiple Nevi

Indications for Digital Monitoring of Patients With Multiple Nevi

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

In patients with multiple nevi, sequential imaging using total body skin photography...

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Il  Centro di Riferimento Oncologico assume un dermatologo

Il Centro di Riferimento Oncologico assume un dermatologo

Comunicazioni ai soci

Pubblicato il bando di concorso presso l’Oncodermatologia di Aviano con scadenza il 16 febbraio...

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Esame Europeo EBDVD

Esame Europeo EBDVD

Comunicazioni ai soci

Il Prof. Franco Rongioletti, delegato SIDeMaST in seno all'UEMS, trasmette ai Soci il bando allegato con le seguenti note esplicative...

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Early versus delayed dressing removal after primary closure

Early versus delayed dressing removal after primary closure

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Most surgical procedures involve a cut in the skin that allows the surgeon to gain access to the deeper tissues or organs. Most surgical wounds are closed fully at the end of the procedure (primary closure)....

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Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Extramammary Paget disease (EMPD) is a frequently recurring malignant neoplasm with metastatic potential that presents in older adults on the genital, perianal, and axillary skin. Extramammary Paget disease can precede or occur along w...

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Assessment of retraction in surgical specimens in melanoma patients

Assessment of retraction in surgical specimens in melanoma patients

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and represents more than half of the diagnosed malignant tumors....

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Cordoglio per il Prof. John Hawk

Cordoglio per il Prof. John Hawk


Illustre dermatologo anglosassone che ha dedicato la sua vita di studioso alla fotodermatologia...

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Chiusura Natalità 2022

Chiusura Natalità 2022


SIDeMaST augura a tutti un sereno Natale ed un felice anno nuovo...

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