
15 ott 2019

A meta-analysis on the influence of partial biopsy of primary melanoma on disease recurrence and patient survival

Complete surgical excision is the preferred biopsy type for suspicious melanocytic lesions

15 ott 2019

Skin changes and manifestations associated with the treatment of obesity

In light of the increasing prevalence of obesity, a large proportion of patients are taking weight loss medications or undergoing weight loss procedures

08 ott 2019

La psoriasi è la malattia dei sani navigation-next-alternate

E' vero che ... La psoriasi è la malattia dei sani

08 ott 2019

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma

Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC) occurs primarily in older adults of white race/ethnicity on sun-exposed skin of the head and neck. There are no formal guiding principles based on expert review of the evidence to assist clinicians in providing the highest-quality care for patients.

08 ott 2019

Dermatologic manifestations associated with electronic cigarette use

Electronic cigarette use continues to rise, yet there are no reviews summarizing dermatologic manifestations associated with electronic cigarettes in the literature.

08 ott 2019

Pressure ulcers: Pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors, and presentation

Prevention has been a primary goal of pressure ulcer research

08 ott 2019

Farmaci generici e biosimilari. Arrivano nuove modifiche a regolamento UE navigation-next-alternate

Novità per i produttori di farmaci generici e biosimilari.

08 ott 2019

Li Bassi (Aifa), mancano migliaia di farmaci in Ue navigation-next-alternate

Carenza emergenziale. Si sta studiando il problema ma ancora non è nota la causa

07 ott 2019

Vitamin D and the skin: what should a dermatologist know?

Although first discovered in 1931, Vitamin D has seen an increased interest in the scientific community over the past decades, including the dermatology field.

07 ott 2019

Chemio 'brucia' staminali dei capelli, perciò non ricrescono navigation-next-alternate

La perdita permanente avviene in casi rari

02 ott 2019

Arrivano nuove linee guida per la cybersecurity

L’Italia ha appena dato seguito a un altro punto chiave previsto dalla cosiddetta Direttiva europea Nis (Network and information security) sul rafforzamento delle risposte da parte degli Stati membri ad un attacco cibernetico. Tra i settori coinvolti anche la sanità

02 ott 2019

AIFa, in Italia nessuna segnalazione di falsificazione farmaci navigation-next-alternate

Dopo alert diramato su 4 farmaci con sospette contraffazioni

02 ott 2019

Firmato nuovo contratto medici, dopo 10 anni attesa navigation-next-alternate

Aumento 200 euro al mese e retribuzione minima per neoassunti

02 ott 2019

Incidence of Long-term Opioid Use Among Opioid-Naive Patients With Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the United States

Risk of long-term opioid use among patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), who experience pain that substantially impairs quality of life, is unknown to date.

02 ott 2019

Factors associated with time to surgery in melanoma: An analysis of the National Cancer Database

Timely treatment for melanoma may affect survival, and characterizing the predictors of delay may inform intervention strategies.

02 ott 2019

Age and gender influence on HIDRAdisk outcomes in adalimumab-treated hidradenitis suppurativa patients.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease characterized by a significant impairment of patients' quality of life (QoL).

25 set 2019

Reflectance confocal microscopy features of thin versus thick melanomas

In-vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) plays an increasingly important role in differential diagnosis of melanoma. The aim of the study was to assess typical confocal features of thin (≤1 mm according to Breslow index) versus thick (>1mm) melanomas.

25 set 2019

Dermoscopic features of mammary Paget's disease

To determine the clinical and dermoscopic features of MPD versus other dermatologic entities that involve nipple and areola.

25 set 2019

Dietary compounds as potential modulators of microRNA expression in psoriasis

This review aims to summarize knowledge about aberrant microRNAs expression in psoriasis

25 set 2019

Ursula von der Leyen, nuova presidente Commissione UE. Tra gli obiettivi, un Piano europeo contro il cancro navigation-next-alternate

Il 40% di noi dovrà affrontare questa malattia ad un certo punto della nostra vita e quasi tutti noi conosciamo l'ansia e dolore di un amico o di un familiare con diagnosi di cancro