Blog dermatologico

New insights from non-invasive imaging

New insights from non-invasive imaging

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer is on the rise and melanoma is among the most common cancers in the United States....

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Infection risk in psoriatic patients receiving tumour necrosis factor inhibitors

Infection risk in psoriatic patients receiving tumour necrosis factor inhibitors

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFis) are commonly used for treating psoriatic diseases; however, the risk of infection while receiving TNFis remains uncertain...

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Schiuma efficace e innovativa migliora aderenza e tollerabilità psoriasi lieve moderata

Schiuma efficace e innovativa migliora aderenza e tollerabilità psoriasi lieve moderata

Rassegna stampa

In ambito di psoriasi lieve moderata abbiamo assistito a un cambio di paradigma...

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Quali le più diffuse e come si curano malattie rare della pelle?

Quali le più diffuse e come si curano malattie rare della pelle?

Rassegna stampa

Idrosadenite suppurativa, psoriasi pustolosa, malattie bollose e vasculti sono patologie rare e poco conosciute ai più che condizionano la qualità della vita delle persone....

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Cordoglio per il Dott. Ricciuti

Cordoglio per il Dott. Ricciuti


È venuto a mancare domenica 18 luglio all’affetto della sua famiglia e alla dermatologia italiana il Dott. Federico Ricciuti...

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Come si curano e quali sono le malattie allergiche cutanee

Come si curano e quali sono le malattie allergiche cutanee

Rassegna stampa

Le malattie allergiche cutanee spesso causano prurito e bruciore così intenso da render impossibile il concentrarsi...

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Come si diagnosticano oggi i tumori della pelle

Come si diagnosticano oggi i tumori della pelle

Rassegna stampa

I tumori della pelle sono aumentati e si sono notevolmente differenziati negli ultimi anni....

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Clinical impact of immunotherapy in Merkel cell carcinoma patients

Clinical impact of immunotherapy in Merkel cell carcinoma patients

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Immunotherapy is emerging as an alternative treatment for Merkel cell carcinoma, but its long-term effects on response, survival, and safety are not well established....

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Characteristics and management of skin cancers in very elderly patients

Characteristics and management of skin cancers in very elderly patients

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

The increase life expectancy led to an expected increase in skin cancer incidence in older patients...

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Updated S2K guidelines on the management of pemphigus

Updated S2K guidelines on the management of pemphigus

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Pemphigus encompasses a group of life-threatening autoimmune bullous diseases characterized by blisters and erosions of the mucous membranes and skin....

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Line-Field Confocal Optical Coherence

Line-Field Confocal Optical Coherence

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Diagnosing clinically unclear basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) can be challenging....

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Clinical evaluation of a short illumination

Clinical evaluation of a short illumination

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using daylight as the photoactivating light source (DL-PDT) is an effective treatment for actinic keratosis (AK)....

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Dermatoscopy of nodular/plaque-type primary cutaneous T- and B-cell lymphomas

Dermatoscopy of nodular/plaque-type primary cutaneous T- and B-cell lymphomas

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Limited data on dermatoscopy of nodular/plaque-type T-/B-cell primary cutaneous lymphomas (PCLs) is available....

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EuroGuiDerm Guideline for Atopic Eczema
Diamo forza al lavoro dei medici
Il test del sudore

Il test del sudore

Linee guida

Raccomandazioni per una corretta esecuzione ed interpretazione dei risultati (Terza Edizione)...

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Comparing the efficacy and safety of laser treatments

Comparing the efficacy and safety of laser treatments

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Although lasers have been the criterion standard for tattoo removal...

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Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography of psoriasis
Dermoscopic spectrum of mycosis fungoides

Dermoscopic spectrum of mycosis fungoides

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

The dermoscopic features of classic patch stage mycosis fungoides (MF) have been described...

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Resident's Corner

Resident's Corner

Comunicazioni ai soci

Premiazione Concorso Nazionale per la Cultura Dermatologica per Specializzandi...

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