Elenco degli articoli con argomento «acne volgare»


22 apr 2022

Low-dose oral isotretinoin for the treatment of adult

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common dermatologic complaints.

05 lug 2021

Social media use in patients with acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris (AV) may affect external appearance and significantly deteriorate the quality of life of patients.

19 apr 2020

Efficacy and safety of a novel topical minocycline foam for the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris

A phase 3 study

22 ott 2019

The emerging utility of the cutaneous microbiome in the treatment of acne and atopic dermatiti

The cutaneous microbiome has potential for therapeutic intervention in inflammatory-driven skin disease.

02 ott 2017

Omeprazole Plus Erythromycin an Alternative to Doxycycline in Acne Vulgaris navigation-next-alternate

Oral omeprazole plus erythromycin 4% was more effective than doxycycline plus erythromycin 4% combination therapy in resolving non-inflammatory acne vulgaris skin lesions, and caused fewer non-skin related side effects

23 feb 2016

American Academy of Dermatology Issues New Guidelines of Care for Acne Treatment navigation-next-alternate

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has published new guidelines for the management of acne vulgaris

12 gen 2016

Acne, dermatologi: limitare gli antibiotici nel trattamento navigation-next-alternate

L'acne, pur avendo tra i vari fattori eziopatogenetici anche un batterio (Propionibacterium Acnes), non è una malattia infettiva bensì una dermatite infiammatoria, pertanto l'uso degli antibiotici topici o sistemici probabilmente non è sempre giustificato

16 ott 2015

Benzoyl Peroxide Plus Clindamycin Superior to Azelaic Acid for Acne Vulgaris navigation-next-alternate

Patients with moderate or severe acne vulgaris achieved a significant reduction in lesions from baseline and expressed greater satisfaction after treatment with benzoyl peroxide 3% and clindamycin 1% compared with azelaic acid 20%