
21 nov 2018

Aging in skin of color: Disruption to elastic fiber organization is detrimental to skin’s biomechanical function navigation-next-alternate

J Invest Dermatol Published online: November 04, 2018

15 nov 2018

Elezione Delegato Regionale - I Congresso Regionale Toscano

Elezione Delegato Regionale - I Congresso Regionale Toscano

15 nov 2018

Elezione Delegato Regionale - I Congresso Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna

In occasione del “I Congresso Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna – La dermatologia nel territorio, i suoi confini e la multidisciplinarietà” che si svolgerà il 7.12.2018 a Modena, si terrà l’elezione del nuovo delegato regionale.

14 nov 2018

SIDeMaST accreditata presso il Ministero della Salute per l’elaborazione di Linee guida navigation-next-alternate

SIDeMaST è stata inserita tra le Società Scientifiche accreditate presso il Ministero della Salute per l’elaborazione di Linee guida

13 nov 2018

Alopecia areata: a review of disease pathogenesis. navigation-next-alternate

Alopecia areata is a disorder that results in nonscarring hair loss. The psychological impact can be significant, leading to feelings of depression and social isolation. Objectives In this article, we seek to review the pathophysiological mechanisms proposed in recent years in a narrative fashion.

13 nov 2018

Phototherapy for psoriasis – outdated or underused? navigation-next-alternate

Complete clearance of severe psoriasis with photochemotherapy (psoralen–ultraviolet A) was a therapeutic breakthrough in the 1970s

13 nov 2018

Should we be testing for urogenital Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum in men and women? navigation-next-alternate

Should we be testing for urogenital Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum in men and women? - a position statement from the European STI Guidelines Editorial Board.

07 nov 2018

Il melanoma nasce dal neo? navigation-next-alternate

E’ vero che…. il melanoma nasce dal neo? della Prof.ssa Caterina Longo

07 nov 2018

Evaluation of the treatment costs and duration of topical treatments for multiple actinic keratosis navigation-next-alternate

Evaluation of the treatment costs and duration of topical treatments for multiple actinic keratosis based on the area of the cancerization field and not on the number of lesions

07 nov 2018

Pagamento quota sociale 2019 navigation-next-alternate

Tutti i soci sono tenuti a versare la quota associativa: dettagli e modalità di pagamento

06 nov 2018

Lichen planus and lichenoid dermatoses: Conventional and emerging therapeutic strategies. navigation-next-alternate

Conventional and emerging therapeutic strategies.

06 nov 2018

Lichen planus and lichenoid dermatoses: Clinical overview and molecular basis. navigation-next-alternate

Lichen planus and lichenoid dermatoses: Clinical overview and molecular basis.

06 nov 2018

Antihypertensive drugs and risk of skin cancer navigation-next-alternate

Evaluation of the treatment costs and duration of topical treatments for multiple actinic keratosis based on the area of the cancerization field and not on the number of lesions

30 ott 2018

Effect of secukinumab on clinical activity and disease burden of nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis is associated with functional impairment, pain and reduced quality of life.

30 ott 2018

Association between atopic dermatitis, depression and suicidal ideation

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is associated with psychological distress. However, previous studies found conflicting results about whether AD is associated with increased depression or suicidality.

30 ott 2018

EASI p-EASI: predicting disease severity in atopic dermatitis patients treated with Cyclosporin A

Serological biomarkers offer objective and reliable outcome measures for AD.

30 ott 2018

Association between phenotypic characteristics and melanoma in a large prospective cohort study

To delineate causal pathways for melanoma, it is essential to derive unbiased estimates of risk.

23 ott 2018

Elezione dei Coordinatori dei Gruppi di Studio 2018

Come da statuto e regolamento i coordinatori dei gruppi di studio sono stati votati dagli afferenti dei singoli gruppi e approvati dal Consiglio Direttivo SIDeMaST

23 ott 2018

An Open-Label Pilot Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Tofacitinib in Moderate to Severe Patch-Type Alopecia Areata, Totalis, and Universalis

Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disease with a lifetime risk of ?2%.

23 ott 2018

Patient-reported health outcomes in patients with non-melanoma skin cancer and actinic keratosis

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and actinic keratosis (AK) are very common among fair-skinned individuals. A disease continuum from AK to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has been frequently postulated.